There are times when we all need guidance in our lives. For many, connecting to spirituality and religion can help us through life’s toughest problems and connect us back to what is truly important. If you are someone without a strong foundation in Christianity, but feel called to the path, it can be difficult to know where to start.

The Lord has called onto Bishop Tracie Dickey to spread her unwavering faith with those who need His spiritual guidance and healing the most. Although she is eager to offer sermons to anyone who needs a spiritual recharge, Bishop Dickey is particularly passionate about guiding new believers and lukewarm Christian’s to their walks with God.
Today Bishop Tracie Dickey shares some simple steps to find spiritual guidance, either as a new Christian or those returning to their faith:
- Pray every day. This can sound daunting at first, but simply starting a conversation with God is a great first step to spiritual healing. Start by expressing gratitude and asking Him to help you focus yourself on your spiritual path.
- Read and study the Bible. The key to living a Christian life is knowing scripture. If you have never read it before, then it is a good idea to join a Bible study group. A group of other Christian will keep you focused and accountable for studying scripture. Plus, you get to meet other like-minded people, and you can help each other learn and grow on your journey.
- Go to church. This can definitely seem scary if you are new and have never been to church before. If you know someone who attends church, ask if you can join them, and they can show you the ropes. If not, research local churches – many of them have websites where you can see a schedule of events. Once there, you can identify yourself as a new member and you will be welcomed.
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